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Certified Industrial Hygienists and Safety Professionals
SARs CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel virus strain that causes coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19), a respiratory illness that also affects the heart, liver and kidney. Human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was confirmed on 20 January 2020, during the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.Transmission occurs primarily via respiratory droplets mostly from coughs and sneezes within a range of about 1.8 metres (6 ft). Physicians also have reported some patients with blood clots in the lower legs and feet.
Micro-droplet transmission has been detected in a group of people talking to each other in close proximity to each other without adequate room ventilation. Indirect contact via contaminated surfaces is another possible cause of infection. These building surfaces are found in common area where the public and infected workers may work or rest. Preliminary research indicates that the virus may remain viable on plastic and steel for up to 3-days, but does not survive on cardboard for more than 1-day or on copper for more than 4- hours. The virus is inactivated by soap, which destabilizes its lipid layer. Viral RNA has also been found in stool samples from infected individuals in hospitals and nursing homes. Only EPA-registered disinfectants should be used by trained personnel who understand the health and safety hazards associated with these chemicals and their application.
An untold number of buildings across the globe were temporarily closed in 2020 due to the pandemic. Many buildings were vacated on short notice without enough time for the proper decommissioning of the building systems and a large number had minimal ongoing maintenance. HVAC systems were shutdown so temperature and humidity could increase in the indoor environment possibility resulting in microbial growth on building materials and Legionella bacteria in the water cooling towers and other reservoirs. Damage from storm water also could have entered the building interior.
As properties in this type of situation reopen, they can pose a challenge for building owners and operators. Our staff of Board Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) and Board Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) are ready to develop a scope of work and develop a plan to reopen business across America and the world. We understand that business rules will change to accommodate physical separation, cleaning and disinfection, selection and use of respirators (not surgical masks) and personal protective clothing, testing workers for illness, contact tracking and reporting test results to workers, maintaining privacy of any medical records and information, sampling building surfaces to evaluate efficacy of the cleaning and sanitizing process, workers' compensation claims and other legal liability issues because of the lack of resources to protect workers from onset of the pandemic, litigation support and expert witness testimony.
The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. services include:
Risk communication and technical support for management and employee questions
Pandemic preparedness and response, and business continuity planning
SARS-CoV-2 exposure risk categorization and isolation measures
Site specific safety training on COVID-19
Administrative control policies for social distancing in essential work environments
Cleaning protocols, specific to various work environments
Testing procedures to validate decontamination effectiveness
Personal protective equipment recommendations
Respirator fit testing and training
COVID-19 screening policy and protocols
Return to work policies

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