Certified Industrial Hygienists and Safety Professionals
Occupational Safety
The term safety means to protect against the consequences of harm, failure, damage, or any other event that could be considered undesirable. Occupaitonal safety deals with the control of recognized hazards to acheive an acceptable level of risk. It can be used to prevent injury or death, property damage, and protect the public and environment from harm. Interventions include engineering and administrative controls along with the selection and use of personal protective equipment. Management systems are designed to audit, inspect, check, and evaluate risks that can cause harm to personnel on the job based on established and enforceable policy, programs, and procedures. The same safety hazards found on the job may be found in other environments used for recreation, travel, sport, and hobbies. Training and education are fundamental for workers to understand the hazards and utilize the controls in-place.

General Industry Safety Management
There are many industrial safety hazards in the workplace. These include, but not limited to, confined spaces, electrical and arc flash, fire from flammable liquids and gases, hazardous energy control, forklifts, manlift devices, manual material handling, compressed gas cylinders, fall protection for elevated work, machine guarding, selection and use of personal protective equipment, hot work involving cutting, welding, and brazing, etc.
The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. has a staff of Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) with experience with all types of manufacturing and process operations and processes to reduce risk, limit liability, and meet compliance obligations..

Construction Safety Management
Contractors and trades are exposed to a variety of construction safety hazards on jobsites that involve building or refurbishing underground tunnels, bridges, roadways, and high-rise structures. The most significant risks involve struck-by, caught-between, fall and electrical hazards. Some other construction safety hazards include, but not limted to, confined spaces, hazadous energy sources, electrical and arc flash, cranes and rigging, trenching and excavations, compressed gas cylinders, selection and use of respirators and personal protective clothing and equipment., hot work from welding, cutting, and grinding, machine guarding, etc.
The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. has a staff of Certified Safety Professionals with extensive construction safety experience in all types of working conditions and work environments.

Chemical Process Safety Management
Process safety management focuses on preventing fires, explosions, and the accidental release of hazardous chemicals into the environment causing loss of life, property damage, and business losses. There are many industries that are covered by the OSHA process safety management requirements including petrochemical, chemical and hydrocarbon, upstream oil/gas, etc. Our staff can use human factors and ergonomic engineering to support PSM improvement.
The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. has Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) and Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) with PSM experince. Our staff can perform audits, inspections, and surveys of PSM operations for compliance.

Emergency Responder and Disaster Relief Safety Management
Emergency responders and disaster relief workers are exposed to a variety of occupational safety hazards. Trained individuals respond to chemical spills and air releases as well as natural disasters from structural and wildfire, tornado, earhquake, flood, tsunami, volcano erruptions, avalanche, land and mudslides.
Like other professionals, these workers may be exposed to fire and electrical hazards, extreme temperatures, confined spaces, hot work from cutting, falls from elevated heights, traffic and roadway concerns, and other hazards.
The Windsor Consulting Group, inc. has a staff of seasoned Certified Safety Professionals (CSPs) and Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIHs) with special training in respondng to chemical releases from air, land, and sea and a varieth of natural disasters. One team member has railroad tank car experience.