Certified Industrial Hygienists and Safety Professionals
Human Factors and Ergonomics
The Windsor Consulting Group, Inc. provides support for human factors and ergonomics, which is based on comfort design, functional design, and user-friendly systems. Our staff of CIHs and CSPs conduct worksite evaluations of each work task and/or work operation. Every individuals is assessed separately since no people work the same way or interface with the equipment or machinery in the same manner. Manual material handling and repetitive strain issues are evaluate to determine the risk of injury or illness and the controls that can be implemented to reduce the risk to acceptable levels. Our staff has evaluated everything from office work environments to packaging baseball cards into boxes. Wherever possible the use of technology is considered as a means of improving human performance and productivity. Training and educaiton is provided to workers and their supervisors to understand the application of human factors and ergonomics in the workplace and the capability of using simple streatching and other excercies to condition the body throughout the workday.
One of the most prevalent types of work-related injuries is musculoskeletal disorders. Work related musculoskeletal disorders result in persistent pain, loss of functional capacity, and work disability, but the medical diagnosis is difficult because people mainly complaint of non-specific pain and other symptoms. Every year about 1.8 million workers are afflicted by human factors and ergonomics issues in their place of work. Nearly 600,000 of these work-related complaints are serious enough to require hospitalizaion. Certain job and work tasks cause a higher rate of worker complaints of undue strain, localized fatigue, discomfort or pain that does not go away after overnight rest. These jobs use either forceful exertions or repetitive motions such as frequent overhead lifts, awkward postures, and/or vibrating equipment. By incorporating human factors into the equipment or device design (or redesign) of a complex system, asset owners can dramatically reduce the risk of human error or the error in operating environments, while improving safety, operability, reliability, maintainability, and resiliency of their system control.

Human Factors Design and Engineering